Ideal to mark your property with your contact details, to label products or brochures for sale or display and to create warning signs or instructions
Oil and dirt resistant, splash proof, tear proof and unaffected by temperature changes between -20 to + 80 °C
UV-resistant, water-resistant and weatherproof
Suitable for B/W and colour laser printers
產品特性: 不易撕裂, 黏力特強,抗污垢油膩,耐高溫特性.廣泛應用於機房設備,數碼產品,名種器材上
(a) L7060
Size: 63.5 x 38.1mm
Labels Pack: 525 labels
Sheet Pack: 25 sheets
Label Sheet: 21 labels
(b) L7063
Size: 99.1 x 38.1mm
Labels Pack: 350 labels
Sheet Pack: 25 sheets
Label Sheet: 14 labels
(c) L7067
Size: 199.6 x 289.1mm
Labels Pack: 25 labels
Sheet Pack: 25 sheets
Label Sheet: 1 labels